11 warning signs of arthritis that must not be ignored

11 warning signs of arthritis that must not be ignored

Mobility helps us perform our day-to-day activities effortlessly. Consequently, health conditions like arthritis can be debilitating and overwhelming, requiring immediate attention and continued care. Arthritis refers to inflammation and stiffness of the joints, which can aggravate with age. The two most common types of arthritis are  osteoarthritis, involving the breakage of joint cartilage, and rheumatoid arthritis , where the joints swell due to compromised immunity. This article lists the warning signs and symptoms of arthritis: Joint stiffness Individuals with arthritis may experience stiffness in specific joints, such as knees, fingers, and arms. For example, simple movements such as bending one’s fingers may become excruciating due to stiffness. This symptom typically worsens in the mornings (particularly in the case of osteoarthritis) or after spells of inactivity. Severe pain Another common symptom of arthritis is severe pain in the joints associated with the condition. One may experience persistent throbbing pain accompanied by stiffness. Flu-like symptoms The inflammation caused by arthritis can lead to flu-like symptoms, such as fever and chills. Patients with arthritis typically experience low-grade fever, which lasts over an extended period. Some basic measures like cooling the room, staying hydrated, and having nutritious meals can help treat such flu-like symptoms. Loss of appetite Fatigue and weakness resulting from arthritis can lead to a loss of appetite, triggering further weakness.
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